Nitrous-Oxide Sedation Machine

Nitrous-Oxide Sedation Machine-The dental phobia problem is very widespread even in adults, causing them to keep well clear of dental surgeries.There are, also, daily routine procedures such as impression taking and tartar removal, which often give rise to problems. Conscious sedation resolves all these problems, by “bringing the patient closer” to the dentist. The greatest benefit is undoubtedly that of the dental staff, who are able to work peacefully, without loss of time and without being subjected to stressful situations.



Nitrous-Oxide Sedation Machine

Master Flux Plus wall-mounted solution

Nitrous-Oxide Sedation Machine



Analgesia is a technique in use for many years in the United States, Canada and various European countries. The controlled administration of oxygen and nitrous oxide by inhalatory route induces a relaxed feeling, reducing emotional stress. Anxiety and pain perception are reduced, increasing the amenability of the patient and facilitating collaboration with the physician, while maintaining the vital reflexes unaltered. Analgesia has no undesired effects and only general contraindications.



Pediatric dentistry                                                                                                              Children tend to suffer most from the problem of “dental anxiety”, which often manifests itself in a total lack of collaboration. The dentist is therefore subjected to inconvenience and loss of time. Conscious sedation resolves this problem, by saving time and facilitating the work of the dental staff. New masks available in sizes 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

Dental phobias and other daily situations                                                                      The dental phobia problem is very widespread even in adults, causing them to keep well clear of dental surgeries.There are, also, daily routine procedures such as impression taking and tartar removal, which often give rise to problems. Conscious sedation resolves all these problems, by “bringing the patient closer” to the dentist. The greatest benefit is undoubtedly that of the dental staff, who are able to work peacefully, without loss of time and without being subjected to stressful situations.


Master Flux Plus


Conscious sedation machine with automatic flow control 

The Master Flux Plus flow control box is a sophisticated mechanical engineering concept with an automatic proportioning delivery system. A mechanical method was chosen because the gas management is “direct”, i.e. not subordinated to other electronic or electrical “controllers”. In this way we have obtained a highprecision, highly reliable, user-friendly product. Easy to use, the Master Flux Plus has technical features that make it extremely versatile, with efficacious safety devices that do not permit errors, hence safeguarding the safety of the patient. The serigraphed drawing is simple and easy to interpret.



Master Flux Plus Accessories

Master Flux Plus Intelliflux mask – Available in 4 sizes

The most difficult aspect of modern conscious sedation in dental surgeries is the last stretch, that is, the means used to administer the mixture to the patient (circuit with mask). TG, aiming to fill the void left by poor performances on the last stretch, has produced an «adaptable» circuit with exceptional performances. The principal need of the dental professional applying conscious sedation is that of obtaining a good practical performance, such as to put the patient at ease. Available in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4.

Fundamental aspects are:1-Great clinical ergonomics for the operator.2- Pleasant treatment for the patient. 3- Fast, efficient sedation. 4- No gas dispersion in the environment.

1- Ergonomics: permits 4-hand working circuit junction above the patient’s head, avoiding obstacles (the junction can be moved as desired). 2- Pleasant treatment for the patient: the sedated patient is in a relaxed condition adaptable mask which does not leave marks forehead rest and neck elastic band for stability. 3- Fast, efficient sedation: the mask fits every shape of face perfectly. 4- No gas dispersion in the environment back flow valve connection to the aspiration system of the dental unit adaptable mask.


Master Flux complete resuscitation kit




Balloon, mask and hose with fitting


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rubber balloon



Masterflux rubber balloon



Complete Circuit Master Flux Plus Intelliflux



Complete circuit



Intelliflux spare part kit-Available in 4 sizes


The kit includes:
Silicone edge for mask
Silicone forehead support




Master Flux Plus mobile solution



For more information please check the Master Flux Plus wall-mounted solution section and to watch the video click here




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Conscious Sedation





For more information please click here to watch the videos






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